
No One Told You - What to Do

No One Told You, Me, Us - the Millennials - What to Do. Did they? Kinda, but the script is outdated. While our parents and grandparents faced life-altering challenges like wars and economic downturns, we Millennials are navigating a different kind of chaos. It's less life-threatening but equally disorienting. We are encountering brand-new challenges that have opened up worlds of opportunity but also heightened our sense of uncertainty. In a world where the rulebook is constantly being rewritten, how do we even begin to plan for the future? Let's delve into some of these uniquely Millennial, and, to some extent, Gen Z challenges.

  1. The Debt Trap

We're the most educated generation in history, but our degrees came with big invoices. Was the education worth the lifetime of debt, when 70-80% of the course would not be applicable to your job?

  1. Financial Uncertainty

We came of age during economic crises and skyrocketing costs of living. Financial planning feels like playing a rigged game in a labyrinth, especially when the traditional milestones like home ownership seem like a mirage on the horizon.

  1. The Gig Life

Job security is a term from the past. We either want to hop from gig to gig, freelancing, else dive into the glamorous world of entrepreneurship. Freedom of choice? Absolutely. But Stability, Success, Milestones, Relations?

  1. Career Roulette

We studied one thing, work in another, and are interested in something else entirely. Is it meant to be this way?

  1. Tech Overwhelm

We witnessed the internet morph from a novelty to the air we breathe. The digital age has empowered us but also drowned us in an ocean of information, leaving us gasping for clarity.

  1. Algorithmic Echo Chambers

We're influenced by algorithms that show us what we want to see, reinforcing our beliefs and polarizing our perspectives. It's like living in a hall of mirrors.

  1. Social Media Socializing

We can DM a friend across the globe but feel like a stranger in a crowded room. Social media has redefined 'connection,' but at what cost? Are we evolving into a generation of lonely avatars?

  1. Eco Worries

We're the first generation to grow up with climate change as a dinner-table topic. We have signed agreements in Paris, but are we taking it seriously enough? Should we?

  1. Walking on Eggshells

We champion inclusivity with a fervor, hyper-aware of every social issue. Yet, this awareness often feels like walking on a tightrope over a chasm of misunderstanding. What's the right thing to believe, and at what cost?

  1. The Nomad Dilemma

Our careers catapulted us away from the nest. We're the global citizens who can work from a beach in Bali but feel homesick in our own living rooms. Our parents are proud but also lonely, watching us live our lives through video calls. Is the nomadic life worth it?

Here we are, standing at the crossroads of infinite possibilities and uncertainties. There's no roadmap, no guidebook, and no one-size-fits-all answer. Maybe the best we can do is keep asking questions, keep exploring the labyrinth of life. After all, if the landscape is constantly shifting, perhaps our strategies should be ever-evolving too. So, can anyone really tell us what to do?

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."
